Pocket Tanks Game For Pc

Developed by BlitWise Productions, LLC, this cute tanks game is a light-hearted mini strategy game that can be played with the computer (1v1), or your friend (1v1), and even online like any other 2 player unblocked games! Calibrate your moves and don’t miss a beat as you send bullets and blasts flying across the terrain! All Pocket Tanks editions after v1.6 were called Pocket Tanks 2. Following v1.6 the game saw drastic changes in performance on both PC and mobile devices. Several new packs were released, and the game was made available for Windows and Mac Computer. Pocket Tanks Deluxe 2 has over 500 weapons with better graphics, although it was still 2D retro. It was December of 27, 2012 when Pocket Tanks entered the Android app marketplace. Flash cs3 software download. Within 3 years of its release on Android, the game got 4,000,000+ downloads and 4.5 average players rating.It was all because of the veteran Pocket Tanks PC players that this game reached these heights in mobile devices.

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  1. Pocket Tanks Download For Pc
  2. Play Pocket Tank Game Online
  3. Pocket Tank Game Download

Pocket Tanks Download For Pc

Taking a page from the popular Worms series, this well-designed game puts a rocket in your pocket so you can take out other enemy tanks. While the game is enjoyable, however, it doesn't hold up in terms of design against other similar games. The game menu is too clever, for one. Each time you select a menu option, your choice 'animates' and flies across the program window. This process takes so long, however, that during testing we got bored. Overall the program window is well designed, with large, easy-to-read buttons. Unlike Worms, there is no voice-over during the action, which we missed. That said, the background music is very entertaining. To play, select a weapon in turn with your opponent, choose the angle of your shot and how powerful you want the shot to be, and the fire away. The simplistic graphics don't necessarily take away from the enjoyment, yet there's no option to play online or over a LAN, just against another player on the same machine in a 'hot-seat' situation. If you like Worms, this game may appeal, but it's not at the top of the list.

Play Pocket Tank Game Online

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Pocket Tank Game Download

Taking a page from the popular Worms series, this well-designed game puts a rocket in your pocket so you can take out other enemy tanks. While the game is enjoyable, however, it doesn't hold up in terms of design against other similar games. The game menu is too clever, for one. Each time you select a menu option, your choice 'animates' and flies across the program window. This process takes so long, however, that during testing we got bored. Overall the program window is well designed, with large, easy-to-read buttons. Unlike Worms, there is no voice-over during the action, which we missed. That said, the background music is very entertaining. To play, select a weapon in turn with your opponent, choose the angle of your shot and how powerful you want the shot to be, and the fire away. The simplistic graphics don't necessarily take away from the enjoyment, yet there's no option to play online or over a LAN, just against another player on the same machine in a 'hot-seat' situation. If you like Worms, this game may appeal, but it's not at the top of the list.