Excel Vba Hide Application


Hides an object but doesn't unload it.


Display Fullscreen You can launch Excel to display fullscreen using VBA by using this line VBA – Hide Excel (The Entire Application) Hide Excel There may occasionally arise a need to hide all of excel, a good. If the UserForm isn't loaded when the Hide method is invoked, the Hide method loads the UserForm but doesn't display it. The following example assumes two UserForms in a program. In UserForm1's Initialize event, UserForm2 is loaded and shown. When the user clicks UserForm2, it is hidden and UserForm1 appears.

Excel Vba Hide Application 2017

Excel VBA Development We accumulated the necessary experience in developing applications that are easy to use by our end customers and are easy to maintain and update by our own developers. You can expect the high level of quality and usability as you see in our own projects. Hiding active workbook programmatically in Excel. I'm working on a VBA project based in a workbook. The code opens a new workbook and calls an external API which downloads and inserts a bunch of data in multiple worksheets of this new workbook. I deactivated Screen Updating ( Application.Screenupdating = False) so initially. Make Excel Invisible and Hide Excel. The entire VBA Excel program is available for downloading at the bottom of this web page, enjoy! Application.visible = flase will hide the complete appltion,so all the open workbooks loose the visibility,can any help with the code to hide only one workbook not using Activewindow.hide.


The object placeholder represents an object expression that evaluates to an object in the Applies To list. If object is omitted, the UserForm with the focus is assumed to be object.


When an object is hidden, it's removed from the screen and its Visible property is set to False. A hidden object's controls aren't accessible to the user, but they are available programmatically to the running application, to other processes that may be communicating with the application through Automation, and in Windows, to Timer control events.

When a UserForm is hidden, the user can't interact with the application until all code in the event procedure that caused the UserForm to be hidden has finished executing.

If the UserForm isn't loaded when the Hide method is invoked, the Hide method loads the UserForm but doesn't display it.


The following example assumes two UserForms in a program. In UserForm1's Initialize event, UserForm2 is loaded and shown. When the user clicks UserForm2, it is hidden and UserForm1 appears. When UserForm1 is clicked, UserForm2 is shown again.

Excel Vba Hide Application

See also

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Active7 years, 2 months ago

I'm working on a VBA project based in a workbook. The code opens a new workbook and calls an external API which downloads and inserts a bunch of data in multiple worksheets of this new workbook. I deactivated Screen Updating (Application.Screenupdating = False) so initially the screen stays focused on the original workbook while the API downloads data on the other workbook in the background. However, the screen switches to the new workbook once the API inserts data. How can I prevent this from happening? Thanks!

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3 Answers

You either need to save and close the target workbook, or select the original workbook before screenupdating is turned back on.

Jon CrowellJon Crowell
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Hiding the active workbook is possible with

You may need to replace ActiveWorkbook with an appropriate reference if the workbook in question is not the active one and/or add a loop like For i = 1 To ActiveWorkbook.Windows.Count if the workbook has multiple windows.

Matt Donnan

Excel Vba Hide Application Free

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Paul B.Paul B.
Excel Vba Hide Application

You could try using the ShowWindow API function:

For example I had to replace a clutch. Well in order to access the gearbox you first have to remove the drive axles from each wheel. Car mechanic simulator 2014 free. Well I was currently working through the 'engine hub' and although I could see the drive axles and actually mouse over them, it wouldn't let me work on them until I backed out of the engine hub, walked over to the left wheel hub, remove the wheel, then remove the drive axle, do the same for the right wheel, then go back to the engine hub and remove the gearbox.

Or alternatively, the LockWindowUpdate API function (thanks to Chip Pearson, http://www.cpearson.com/excel/vbe.aspx):


Hide Application Myspace

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