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Here you can read it online of One Indian Girl for free. Chetan Bhagat is the author of eight blockbuster books. These include six novels—Five Point Someone (2004), One Night @ the Call Center (2005), The 3 Mistakes of My Life (2008), 2 States (2009), Revolution 2020 (2011), Half Girlfriend (2014)—and the non-fiction titles, What Young India Wants (2012) and Making India Awesome (2015). An avid reader of Bhagat will find this book repitative, cheezy on the onset and left begging for some fruitful drama. Well actually, you get all the traits which made you love his books, but you expect more and thats where the book fails. Chetan beats Chetan here. The plot is fine, you have goo. Free download of Three Mistakes of My Life by Chetan Bhagat. Available in PDF, ePub and Kindle. Read, write reviews and more. Download The Girl in Room 105 by Chetan Bhagat PDF Novel free. “The Girl in Room 105” is a wonderful novel that covers the many stages of life including love, hate, romance, win, loss and life. Description of The Girl in Room 105 by Chetan Bhagat PDF “The Girl in Room 105” describes a great love story. Keep following us for more Free E-Books for various exams we would be keep giving you the free PDF for the books. Follow us on Facebook. Feel free to ask questions regarding Download Free The Girl in Room 105 by Chetan Bhagat Book PDF. This was all about Download Free The Girl in Room 105 by Chetan Bhagat Book PDF. Browse books written by Writers Name. Find Any Writer in our library. is the biggest online e-book storage in the world. Download and read online for free ebooks Written by Chetan Bhagat.

Chetan Bhagat Books Free Download

One Indian Girl in a new novel by Chetan Bhagat which is schedule to release on 1 October 2016. Here you can read it online of One Indian Girl for free. Chetan Bhagat is the author of eight blockbuster books. These include six novels—Five Point Someone (2004), One Night @ the Call Center (2005), The 3 Mistakes of My Life (2008), 2 States (2009), Revolution 2020 (2011), Half Girlfriend (2014)—and the non-fiction titles, What Young India Wants (2012) and Making India Awesome (2015). Chetan’s books have remained bestsellers since their release. Several of his novels have been adapted into successful Bollywood films.

Some people are good at taking decisions. I am not one of them. Some people fall asleep quickly at night. I am not one of them either. It is three in the morning. I have tossed and turned in bed for two hours. I am to get married in fifteen hours. We have two hundred guests in the hotel, here to attend my grand destination wedding. I brought them here. Everyone is excited. It is the first destination wedding in the Mehta family.

I am the bride. I should get my beauty sleep. I can’t. The last thing I care about right now is beauty. The only thing I care about is how to get out of this mess. Because like what often happens to me in life, here I am yet again in a situation where I don’t know what the f**k is going on.

One Indian Girl Story

“What do you mean not enough rooms?” I said to Arijit Banerjee, the lobby manager of the Goa Marriott.

“See, what I am trying to explain is…” Arijit began in his modulated, courteous voice when mom cut him off.

“It’s my daughter’s wedding. Are you going to shame us?” she said, her volume loud enough to startle the rest of the reception staff.

“No, ma’am. Just a shortage of twenty rooms. You booked a hundred. We promised eighty then. We hoped to give more but the chief minister had a function and…”

“What do we tell our guests who have come all the way from America?” Mom said.

“If I may suggest, there is another hotel two kilometers away,” Arijit said.

“We have to be together. You are going to ruin my daughter’s wedding for some sarkaari function?” my mother said, bosom high, breath heavy – classic warning signs of an upcoming storm.

“Mom, go sit with Dad, please. I will sort this out,” I said. Mom glared at me. How could I, the bride, be doing all this in the first place? I should be worried about my facials, not room allocations. Remote desktop credentials windows 10.

“The boy’s side arrives in less than three hours. I can’t believe this,” she muttered, walking to the sofa at the center of the lobby. My father sat there along with Kamla bua, his elder sister. Other uncles and aunts occupied the remaining couches in the lobby – in a Mehta takeover of the Marriott. My mother looked at my father, a level two glare. It signified: ‘Will you ever take initiative in life?’

My father shifted in his seat. I re-focused on the lobby manager.

“What can be done now, Arijit?” I said. “My family is all here.”

We had come on the morning flight from Delhi. The Gulatis, or the boy’s side, would take off from Mumbai at three p.m. and land in Goa at four p.m. Twenty hired Innovas would bring them to the hotel by five. I checked the time. 2:30 p.m.

“See, ma’am, we have set up a special desk for the Mehta-Gulati wedding,” Arijit said. “We are doing the check-ins for your family now.”

He pointed to a makeshift counter at the far corner of the lobby where three female Marriott employees with permanent smiles sat. They welcomed everyone with folded hands. Each guest received a shell necklace, a set of key cards for the room, a map of the Marriott Goa property and a ‘wedding information booklet’. The booklet contained the entire programme for the week, including the time, venue and other details of the ceremonies.

“My side will take fifty rooms. The Gulatis need fifty too,” I said.

“If you take fifty, ma’am, we will have only thirty left for them,” Arijit said.

“Where is Suraj?” I said. ‘We will manage last minute’ is what he told me. Suraj was the owner of Moonshine Events, the event manager we had appointed for the wedding.

“At the airport,” Arijit said.

My father ambled up to the reception desk. “Everything okay, beta?”

I explained the situation to him.

“Thirty rooms! Gulatis have a hundred and twenty guests,” my father said.

“Exactly.” I threw my hands in the air.

Mom and Kamla bua came to the reception as well. “I told Sudarshan also, why all this Goa business? Delhi has so many nice banquet halls and farmhouses. Seems like you have money to throw,” Kamla bua said.

I wanted to retort but my mother gave me the Mother Look.

They are our guests, I reminded myself. I let out a huge breath.

“How many from our side?” my mother said.

“Mehta family has a hundred and seventeen guests, ma’am,” Arijit said, counting from his reservation sheets.

“If we only have eighty, that is forty rooms for each side,” I said. “Let’s reallocate. Stop the check-ins for the Mehtas right now.”

Arijit signaled to the smiling ladies at the counter. They stopped the smiles and the check-ins and kept the shell necklaces back in the drawer.

“How can we reduce the rooms for the boy’s side?” my mother said in a shocked voice.

“What else to do?” I said.

“How many rooms are they expecting?” she said.

“Fifty,” I said. “Call them now. They will readjust their allocations on the way here.”

“How can you ask the boy’s side to adjust?” Kamla bua said. “Aparna, are you serious?”

My mother looked at Kamla bua and me.

“But how can we manage in only thirty rooms?” I said and turned to my father, “Dad, Call them.”

“Sudarshan, don’t insult them before they even arrive,” Kamla bua said. “We will manage in thirty. It’s okay. Some of us will sleep on the floor.”

“Nobody needs to sleep on the floor, bua,” I said. “I am sorry this screw-up happened. But if we have forty rooms each, it is three to a room. With so many kids anyway, it should be fine.”

“We can manage in thirty,” my mother said.

“Mom? That’s four to a room. While the Gulatis will have so much space. Let’s tell them.”

“No,” my mother said. “We can’t do that.”


“They are the boy’s side. Little bit also you don’t understand?”

I didn’t want to lose it at my own wedding, definitely not in the first hour of arrival. I turned to my father. “Dad, it is no big deal. His family will understand. We are here for six nights. It will get too tight for us,” I said.

Dad, of course, would not listen. These two women, his wife and sister, controlled his remote. For once, these women were on the same page as well.

“Beta, these are norms. You don’t understand. We have to keep them comfortable. Girl’s side is expected to adjust,” he said.

I argued for five more minutes. It didn’t work. I had to relent. And do what the girl’s side needs to do – adjust.

“You and Aditi take a room,” my mother said, referring to my sister.

“Let her be with her husband. What will jiju think?” I said.

“Anil will adjust with other gents,” Kamla bua said.

Over the next twenty minutes the two women sorted out the extended Mehta family comprising of a hundred and seventeen people to thirty rooms. They used a complex algorithm with criteria like the people sharing the room should not hate each other (warring relatives kept in different rooms) or be potentially attracted to each other (mixed gender rooms were avoided, even if it involved people aged eighty plus). Kids were packed five to a room, often with a grandparent. Kamla bua, herself a widow, dramatically offered to sleep on the floor in my parents’ room, causing my father to offer his own bed and sleep on the floor instead. Of course, Arijit kept saying they will put extra beds in the room. But how can you compare sleeping on an extra Marriott bed versus the Punjabi bua’s eternal sacrifice of sleeping on the floor?

“I am happy with roti and achaar,” Kamla bua said.

“It’s the Marriott. There is enough food, bua,” I said.

“I am just saying.”

“Can you please focus on the reallocations? We need to be all checked in before the Gulatis arrive,” I said.

In the middle of this chaos, I forgot what I had come here for. I had come to change my life forever. I had come to do something I never believed in my whole life. I had come to do something I never thought I would do. I had come to have an arranged marriage.

Here I am, lost in logistics, guest arrangements and bua tantrums. I took a moment to reflect.

I will marry in a week. To a guy I hardly know. This guy and I are to share a bed, home and life for the rest of my life.

Why isn’t it sinking in? Why am I fighting with Suraj on chat instead?

Me: Major screw-up on rooms, Suraj. Not cool.

Suraj: Sorry. Really sorry. Political reasons. Photo suite 7 free download. Tried. Really.

Me: You said it will be OK.

Suraj: I did. CM of Goa wanted rooms. Marriott can’t refuse.

Me: What else is going to get screwed up?

Suraj: Nothing. Indigo from Mumbai just landed. We are ready to receive guests. See you soon.

I went to the Mehta-Gulati check-in desk. All my family guests had checked in. Some did grumble about sharing a room with three others but most seemed fine. Mom said the grumblers were the jealous types, the relatives who can’t stand we have reached a level that we can do a destination wedding in Goa. The supportive ones, according to mom, are those who understand what it is like to be the girl’s side.

“Do not use this girl’s side and boy’s side with me again. I don’t like it,” I said. Mom and I sat in the lobby, ensuring that the staff readied the special check-in desk for the Gulatis.

“Can you stop waving your feminism flag for a week? This is a wedding, not an NGO activist venue,” my mother said.

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Top 10 Chetan Bhagat Books

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As we all know that, Chetan Bhagat name counts as one of the unordinary authors, motivational speaker and television personality in India. He wrote many famous Novels like The 3 Mistakes of My Life (2008), Revolution 2020 (2011), 2 States (2009), What Young India Wants (2012), Half Girlfriend (2014), and more., Chetan Bhagat also cited as “the biggest selling English language novelist in India’s history by The New York Times in 2008. Many movies have also been created on Chetan bhagats novels like Kai Po Che! (2013), 2 States (2014), Kick (2015), Half Girlfriend etc., Chetan Bhagat new book 2020 is also coming soon. Chetan Bhagat biography is very interesting we must try to provide in brief below section. Nowadays every books lover prefers Chetan Bhagat novels, Many Famous websites provide Chetan Bhagat Novels/Books in PDF Format, from which anyone can Chetan Bhagat Books Free Download PDF 2019 2020 and read directly.

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<<<Read Also>>>The 3 Mistakes Of My Life Book By Chetan Bhagat Summary & Complete Review

Top 10 Chetan Bhagat Books/ Novels

Chetan Bhagat Biography

Who is Chetan Bhagat?

Chetan Bhagat is one of the Famous & model’s writers in the day, Chetan Bhagat the name which is trending in the world. He was born on 22 April 1974 in Delhi. Chetan Bhagat wife name Anusha Bhagat and he has 2 children, He belongs to the middle-class family When he got 76% in 10th standards his family think he will do something with his career. After listening to such things he decides to open PCO booths, but after a rethink, he decided to crack IIT and after a hard word he creaks IIT Test. Now Chetan Bhagat name popular among of the writers who want to be like Chetan, Chetan Bhagat is an Indian author, screenwriter, television personality and he is also a motivational speaker. He is also a writer for columns about career, youth, currents affairs and for India’s prestigious news peppers like Times of India, Dainik Bhaskar and etc.

Chetan Bhagat books count as bestselling books in India as well abroad. He wrote many famous novels like five points someone, 3 mistakes of my life, 2 States etc. The New York Times has also cited Bhagat as “the biggest selling English language novelist in India’s history in 2008. Chetan Bhagat novels have sold over seven million copies which are also a record. There is many Bollywood movie which is made on Chetan Bhagat novels like half Girlfriend, Kai Po Che, Kick, 2 States, 3 Idiots and more. He also won the Filmfare Award for Best Screenplay for Kai Po Che! at the 59th Filmfare Awards on January 2014. Throughout the whole journey, Chetan Bhagat gives us lots of inspired books, Novels which should be read at least one time in our whole life. Chetan is one of the great authors in India and that’s is the reason I try to provide Top 10 Chetan Bhagat Books. These books recommend by Toppers, Enternpenur, and success personalities let have to look Top 10 Chetan Bhagat Books.

Top 10 Chetan Bhagat Books

Chetan Bhagat Books Free Download PDF

Best Chetan Bhagat Books Novels

1. Chetan Bhagat Revolution 2020:

Revolution 2020- (Various Language)

2Revolution 2020 is one the best book was written by the Chetan Bhagat in 2011, Revolution 2020 story based on the love triangle, corruption and a journey of self-discovery. Revolution 2020 based on the wonderful story of 3 friends Gopal, Raghav, Arti. Throughout the story will learn a lot, One should read this book must.

****If you want to buy Chetan Bhagat Revolution 2020 book, you can buy it through Amazon’s direct link (you can also buy these books in different languages)

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2. Chetan Bhagat One Indian Girl

One Indian Girl (Available in Various Language)

Another bestselling novel Chetan Bhagat One Indian Girl which is written by India’s one of the greatest author Chetan Bhagat. One Indian Girl story based on Radhika and his older sister Aditi, since this story contents certain flashback. Radhika is an ambiance girl she grown Delhi in the Punjabi family. In her School days, she was a bit of nerd, she has baited completion and she was not a popular girl in the classroom and her older sister Aditi exact opposite of Radhika a fair complexion popular girl, basically this books based on Radhika and his sister Aditi who are more different to Radhika and that’s the reason Radhika also want to be like his sister. Throughout the story will learn a lot, one should read this book must.

****If you want to buy Chetan Bhagat One Indian Girl book, you can buy it through Amazon’s direct link (you can also buy these books in different languages)

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Best Chetan Bhagat Novels PDF

3. Chetan Bhagat Half Girlfriend Book:

Half Girlfriend (Available in Various Language)

Half girlfriend novel based on young adult romance which is written by Chetan Bhagat. The novel was released on 1 Oct 2014 by Rupa Publications. Half Girlfriend story comes on a Bihari boy who loves a girl. Half Girlfriend is the 6th novel of Chetan Bhagat. The novel has also been published in other languages like English, Hindi, Tamil, Gujarati etc. Superhit Movie “Half Girlfriend” based on this novel. If you love to read love stories, then this book for you. Throughout the story will learn a lot, One should read this book must.

****If you want to buy Chetan Bhagat Half Girlfriend book, you can buy it through Amazon’s direct link (you can also buy these books in different languages)

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4. Chetan Bhagat 2 states: The Story of my Life

2 states: The Story of my Life (Various Language)

2 states: The Story of my Life famously known as 2 states which are released in 2009 written by Chetan Bhagat. you know what 2 states movie which was the superhit in 2014, based on 2 states The Story of my Life novel. 2 states The Story of my Life story about a couple coming from two different states in India, who face hardships in convincing their parents to approve of their marriage. Throughout the story will learn a lot, one should read this book must.

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Chetan Bhagat All Books

5. Chetan Bhagat 5 Point Someone:

5-Five Point Someone (Various Language)

Five Point Someone is one of the best-selling books worldwide, more the 1 Million copies of Five point some have been sold. How could it be possible I made Top 10 Chetan Bhagat Books serious and not mention this book, the novel was written by Chetan Bhagat in 2005. The story of 3 IIT students, Ryan, Alok, and Hari and Hari’s girlfriend Neha Cherian. Whose elation on making it to one of the best engineering colleges in India. it is one of the interesting books and you know what 3 Idiots which was the super hit movie also based on Five Point Someone. Throughout the story will learn a lot, one should read 5-Five Point Someone Book must. Chetan Bhagat books online reading is also available on many websites like amazon etc.

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Chetan Bhagat Latest Books

6. Chetan Bhagat 3 Mistakes Of My Life:

3 Mistakes of My life

3 Mistakes of My life is the third best-seller novel by Chetan Bhagat. The novel was released in may 2008. The story of three friends and is based in the city of Ahmedabad in western India. blockbuster movie Kai Po Che based on 3 Mistake of my life novel, for this movie Chetan Bhagat, got Filmfare Award for Best Screenplay for Kai Po Che! at the 59th Filmfare Awards on January 2014.

what are the 3 Mistakes?

  • First, mistake Govind paid a huge amount for buying a shop in Navrangpura shopping mall. Due to Gujarat earthquakes, The mall later got destroyed.
  • The second mistake which he did that, He fell in love with Vidya and had physical intimacy.
  • The Third mistake he did that, He waited for a split second and dived too late to save Ali because of his own selfishness.

Throughout the 3 Mistakes of My life story will learn a lot, One should read 3 Mistakes of My life book online or offline must.

****If you want to buy Chetan Bhagat 3 Mistakes Of My Life book, you can buy it through Amazon’s direct link (you can also buy these books in different languages)

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7. Chetan Bhagat What Young India Wants

What Young India Wants- (Various Language)

What young India wants novel based on Indian society and politics youth. The whole story of the novel revolves around bhagat’s thoughts and innovations on how to improve the Indian economy through social reforms. Basically, the book made for Indian youth. Throughout the story will learn a lot, One should read this book must.

****If you want to buy Chetan Bhagat What Young India Wants book, you can buy it through Amazon’s direct link (you can also buy these books in different languages)

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Chetan Bhagat Best Books Free

8. Chetan Bhagat One Night At The Call Centre:

One Night At the Call Center- (Various Language)

One Night AT the call center is the famous novel written by Chetan Bhagat in 2005. The book based on six call centres employees who work at the connexions call centre in Gurgaon the state of Haryana India. The story uses a literal deus ex machina when the characters receive a phone call from God. Throughout the story will learn a lot, One should read this book must.

****If you want to buy Chetan Bhagat One Night At the Call Center book, you can buy it through Amazon’s direct link (you can also buy these books in different languages)

9. Chetan Bhagat Making India Awesome:

Making India Awesome

Making India Awesome is one of the prestigious Novel written by Chetan Bhagat. The novel was published in the year 2015. If you love India and if you want to make India truly great and wants to do something for India, Then This novel for you. Throughout the book, Chetan Bhagat clarifies why India facing the most intractable problems-poverty, unemployment, corruption, violence against women, communal violence. If you are Indian you must read this book once.

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10. The Girl in Room 105


The Girl in Room 105 is writern by Chetan Bhagat it is one of the tenth book overall written by the Indian author Chetan Bhagat. The Girl in Room 105 book became a bestseller based on sales alone. It tells of an IIT coaching class tutor who goes to wish his ex-girlfriend on her birthday and kills her. The rest of the story is his journey where he stands by his ex-girlfriend after his death to get justice. This book also addresses the stereotypes and political issues that we face in India.

Books Written by Chetan Bhagat

Chetan Bhagat Books Online Free

Best Chetan Bhagat Books Novels Combo Offer

Chetan Bhagat is one of India’s famous writer, He wrote many famous books like 3 mistakes of my life, Five points someone, 2 states, etc. If you looking to Buys Chetan Bhagat’s books you can go with a combo deal which will be the most effective.

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Final Touch!!!!

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Must Read Top 10 Chetan Bhagat Books

Read Chetan Bhagat Books Online Free Revolution 2020