Putty Wont Open Serial Connection

Putty Wont Open Serial Connection

Since I couldn't connect using the console cable directly, I installed a dhcp server temporarily, then I accesses the leased ip address to my HP Procurve switch, changed the IP into a static one and accessed the switch terminal through a telnet connection. Afterward I stopped the dhcp server since I don't really need it any more. Cannot access serial connection with putty to the HP Procurve 2524. Ask Question Asked 3 years. But have you mashed enter several times? Also, if you plug the serial cable in and reboot the switch do you see any output whilst the switch boots? If not I'd be looking at talking to HP about a replacement. Since I couldn't connect using the.

Active5 years, 2 months ago

I'm trying to establish a serial connection to a peripheral from my PC's RS-232 port. Pretty simple stuff, and I've had not trouble doing it with countless peripherals before. And yet when I configure PuTTY to the right baud rate, stop bits, etc. Torrent rt for windows 10 64. I'll type in '*IDN?', press enter, and the unit won't reply. After going over my settings over and over again, I decided to try another terminal program, Termite. This time it worked like a charm. What puzzles me, and what I'm trying to figure out by posting this question, is why Termite would work when PuTTY did not despite the fact that they both have the same settings.



EDIT: I now tried Tera Term as well, and it works. So PuTTY is the odd one out.

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1 Answer

Putty Won't Open Serial Connection List

Had similar problem,

I had to check in the settings under Terminal => local echo , force On

A bit too late but hopefully will help someone else.


Putty Serial Connection Usb

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