Install Windows 11 Upgrade

Windows 11 is not going to happen. Windows 10 will continue to recieve updates and upgrades for the rest of its life. Every 6 months or so, Microsoft will push a major update for Windows (the Creators Update was the latest), adding new features to the system. These can be thought of as the new version of upgrading. Install Internet Explorer 11 (IE11) using Windows Server Update Services (WSUS); 2 minutes to read +5; In this article. Windows Server Update Services (WSUS) lets you download a single copy of the Microsoft product update and cache it on your local WSUS servers. Dec 19, 2017  How to tell if my Internet Explorer 11 (Win.10)is up to date and how do I get the latest update if I don't have it? Hi, WindowsUpdate will take care of updating IE11 for you, just as it takes care of all other components of Windows. Each month, there are updates released by MSFT via WindowsUpdate, and IE11 updates are included within those monthly.

  1. Upgrade Windows 10 To 11

There is no announcement of Windows 11, and Microsoft’s stated intent is that Windows 10 will remain the version number from now on.

For now, that's the answer to your question.

25 years ago it was normal to brand Windows with the version number. Windows 1, 2, 3, 3.1, 3.11. Then some executives came along backed up by expensive marketing research that said consumers were confused by version numbers. Windows should have yearly markers, like cars! Windows 95! Cue the Rolling Stones and $100 million in marketing.

Install Windows 11 Upgrade

Then new executives came along. See, the thing about executives is they have big egos. Mahjong epic tiles download. They all want to make a big change. So newer, more expensive marketing research says model years are informative, but boring af. We need edge. We need eXtreme. Skateboarding college kids don't drive their father's Oldsmobile, this your eXPerience. More marketing money spent on branding Windows with adjectives as versions.


Then another generation of executives came along. Not only did they put an end to motorcycle races down the hallways of building 26 (but still cool to put skateboard trucks on gorilla glass Surface prototypes), but more marketing research said consumers of tech were used to version numbers. Tech was mainstreaming in society and most products were versioned. People got it. Cue the advertising and branding engines again! 7, 8, 10!

Upgrade Windows 10 To 11

And that's where we are today. This current naming convention for Windows has survived one round of executive succession, but next time there's a shakeup, wait for the announcement of the next major Windows revision.