English For International Tourism Pdf

English for international tourism. Intermediate teacher's book 10.

  1. English For International Tourism Pdf Download
  2. Tourism English Teaching
  3. Books On Tourism
  4. English For International Tourism Pdf Free Download
  5. English For International Tourism Advanced Pdf
  6. English For International Tourism Pdf Download
  7. English For International Tourism Teacher's Book Pdf

In “The Light Fantastic” by author Terry Pratchett, Twoflower was a tourist who believed “that anyone could understand anything he said [if] he spoke loudly and slowly.”

If you have done any traveling, you might have met someone like Twoflower.

  • PDF English, as the lingua franca, is the universal language of travel. In order to improve students' usage of travel terminology, teachers need to develop the career-oriented English course.
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  • I work with the book English for International. 21,367 Downloads. A revision of units 8 and 9 from the book 'English for International Tourism' pre-intermediate.
  • That is why English is so important for people who work in tourism. English has become an international language. Do you already have a job in the tourism industry? Knowing tourism English will make it easier for you to communicate with other people and do your job better. Are you interested in working in the tourism industry?
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The problem is, even if you speak very slowly and clearly, you cannot make someone understand a foreign language!

There is a simple solution, though, and it is used by tourists around the world: Speaking English.

Wherever you go in the world, even if you do not speak the native language of the region, you can probably find someone who speaks English. That is why English is so important for people who work in tourism.

English has become an international language.

Do you already have a job in the tourism industry? Knowing tourism English will make it easier for you to communicate with other people and do your job better.

Are you interested in working in the tourism industry? Knowing English can help you get a job in tourism since it is an important skill for these kinds of jobs.

Why would you want to work in the tourism industry? Well…

Why Work in the Tourism Industry

What exactly is thetourism industry?

A tourist is someone who goes to see or explore a place that is not their home. The people who help tourists are part of the tourism industry. Jobs in tourism include:

  • Hotel jobs, like a receptionist or manager.
  • Airport and airplane jobs like a ticket seller or a flight attendant (the person who helps and serves people on planes).
  • Event organizer or concierge, who is responsible for helping tourists get tickets for events and transportation.
  • Transportation jobs, like a taxi driver or a chauffeur (a personal driver).
  • Local entertainment jobs like a tour guide or restaurant worker.

That is just a small list…there are lots of other kinds of jobs in tourism!

Working in tourism is great because there are so many possible jobs, there are often chances to grow and get promoted. As long as people keep traveling, there will always be tourism jobs.

How Tourism English Differs from Regular English

English is used by people all around the world, so it is important to know the language in tourism jobs. When you meet someone from a different country, you can usually use English to understand each other.

Tourism English is a bit different from regular English:

  • It is more polite and formal. Since your job is to assist (help) the tourists and other customers, you should use language that shows respect.
  • There is a lot of repetition. Many tourism jobs repeat a lot of the same vocabulary and statements. For example, if you work as a taxi driver, you will often ask people about their destination, which is the location where they are going. You will need to understand addresses and directions.
  • It is simple and clear. Many tourists speak English, but not all tourists speak English well. Your English should be simple and clear enough for anyone to understand it, even those who do not know too much English.

How you learn tourism English is also a little different from how you would learn regular English.

You can learn both from TV and movies, from online classes and from many other sources—but one great way to learn tourism English is by using books.

Choosing the Right Book for You

There are two kinds of books that you can use to learn tourism English: Textbooks and tourism guides.

Textbooks are usually meant to be used in a classroom, with a teacher to guide you through the information. Some textbooks come with workbooks too, which have summaries of the textbook material and exercises where you can practice what you learned.

Tourism guides are written for tourists. They describe the best places to visit, the best hotels to stay in and other useful information for someone traveling in a new place. Many tourism guides also include historical information and give tips on the best times to visit popular places…they are like having a native friend giving you inside information, or information from someone who lives in the place you are visiting.

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Which type of book you choose depends on your study style. If you like things to be explained clearly and in an organized way, you will probably like textbook learning. If you prefer to learn by seeing the language being used in a natural context, and if you do not mind learning without any guidance, then you might prefer using a travel guide.

You can learn a lot from both kinds of books, but you need to study them differently.

Here are some tips for learning as much as you can from textbooks and tourism books.

Tips for Learning Tourism English from Textbooks

  • If you can, take a tourism and hospitality English class. Textbooks work better when you have a teacher to help you understand the information.
  • Skim before you read. Basically, skimming means looking over the text without reading every word. Every time you start a new chapter, skim the chapter’s pages first. Look at the titles of the chapters and any words in bold or italics. Read the introduction and summary if there is one. This will help you prepare for the new information, and this will give you a good idea of what the chapter will teach you.
  • Do a little bit at a time. The writing in textbooks can sometimes be difficult to understand, or there can be a lot of information on every page. Do not try to hurry through the entire book. Instead, learn one thing at a time. Only continue to the next chapter of a textbook when you completely understand the material in the previous chapter. It might take you a little longer, but it will help you learn better.
  • Schedule study time… and break time. Make sure you have time to study, in a quiet, comfortable area without any distractions. Do not forget to take breaks. Refresh your mind by relaxing for ten minutes once in a while, and refresh your body by using these breaks to get up and move around.
  • Read each chapter twice. The first time you read a chapter, do not take any notes. Just read it and try to understand. You can make a mark with a pen wherever you do not entirely understand something. On the second reading, read more carefully, take notes and spend some time understanding the confusing parts.

Tips for Learning Tourism English from Travel Books

  • Do not read tourism guides like a book. Even tourists do not read the entire guide from the beginning until the end! There is too much information about too many things in these books. Instead, read a few sections from each part of the book.
  • Focus on vocabulary and phrases. Some words are used over and over in travel guides. Words like attractions (interesting places to visit), itinerary (a list of all the scheduled events on your trip) and accommodations (places to stay, like a hotel) are all used often in the tourism industry. If you see a word or phrase repeated more than once in the book, write it down and look it up.
  • Use a travel guide for the country or city where you would like to work. By doing this, you can learn about the different historical facts of the area, places to visit and tips for where to eat and what to do. Knowing about an area will help you in a tourism job!
  • Take notes in sections. Tour guides are usually organized by location, with information on places to stay, eat, explore and more. When you are taking notes, organize them by topic instead of location. For example, put all transportation-related notes together, historical terms and facts in another section, and restaurant vocabulary in a different section.

Thanks to all these tips, you will now be ready to get started learning tourism English!

Textbooks and Workbooks

“Tourism 1 Student’s Book”

Published by the high quality publisher Oxford Press, this workbook is great for any students who are interested in a tourism job.

The first workbook teaches you how to talk about and sell tourism products like airplane tickets and holiday trips.

There are other books in the series, so you can choose the one that fits what you are looking to learn.

“Going International: English for Tourism Student’s Book”

This is another Oxford Press book, which focuses on learning tourism vocabulary.

Every section has a summary with all the vocabulary, and ideas for how to use what you learned in the real world. That makes this a great book to use if you are already working in the tourism industry.

“English for International Tourism”

This textbook is from another well-known publisher, Pearson. It uses many photos and has some audio sections so you can hear the material spoken out loud.

The book is organized well, but it is very dense (has a lot of information in one place) so it is better to read this one with a teacher or at least a friend or another student, so you can practice with the group activities.

“Flash on English for Tourism”

The “Flash on” series is broken up into units that are short and easy to understand. “Flash on English for Tourism” is a workbook, so it is much more interactive than a textbook, with many ways to test your knowledge of vocabulary and skills.

Tourism Guides

“Rick Steve’s Europe”

Rick Steve’s guide books are written in a friendly and easy to understand way. There are guides for many European countries, but even if you cannot find the country you are interested in, you can learn a lot from Steve’s books.

The books use many tourism vocabulary words (like sights and accommodations) and some interesting historical facts about the sights (if you are interested in that!)

“Let’s Go” travel guides

The “Let’s Go” series of travel guides is written for students, and include more “hip” attractions like bars and where to find other younger people. If you will be working in a place where you expect to see younger people a lot, this book is a great way to learn some college-age tourism vocabulary.

“Lonely Planet”

The “Lonely Planet” guide books are not easy to read even for a native speaker, so do not try to understand everything. Instead, use these books to look for vocabulary and phrases, like world-famous (known all around the world) and overnight stay (when you only stay at a hotel for a night).

“Bradt’s Eccentric” series

For a book that is educational and interesting to read, try “Brandt’s Eccentric” series. These books talk about things to see that are eccentric—unusual and a little weird. They are more interesting than normal tour guides, but still use all the vocabulary and phrases you would need for a job in the industry.

Bill Bryson’s travel books

Bill Bryson’s books are not travel guides—but they are travel books.

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These books are an excellent way to see different places through someone else’s experiences. Bryson writes about his adventures in places like England and America. His books are a great read and fantastic way to improve your English—and with the travel theme, there are plenty of phrases and words to learn as a tourism English learner too.
Thanks to these tourism textbooks and guides your English will be ready for a job in tourism.

Just do not be surprised when reading them makes you want to travel too!

Oh, and One More Thing…

If you like learning real-world English for tourism, you should also check out the FluentU app. Like the website, the FluentU app lets you learn English from popular talk shows, catchy music videos and funny commercials, as you can see here:

English For International Tourism Pdf Download

If you want to watch it, the FluentU app has probably got it.

The FluentU app makes it really easy to watch English videos. There are captions that are interactive. That means you can tap on any word to see an image, definition, and useful examples.

FluentU lets you learn engaging content with world famous celebrities.

For example, when you tap on the word “brought,” you see this:

Learn all the vocabulary in any video with quizzes. Swipe left or right to see more examples for the word you’re learning.

FluentU helps you learn fast with useful questions and multiple examples. Learn more.

The best part? FluentU remembers the vocabulary that you’re learning. It recommends you examples and videos based on the words you’ve already learned. You have a truly personalized experience.

Start using FluentU on the website with your computer or tablet or, better yet, download the FluentU app from the iTunes store or Google Play store.

If you liked this post, something tells me that you'll love FluentU, the best way to learn English with real-world videos.

There’s a reason Hollywood loves to make hospitality movies.

I mean, the world of tourism is definitely not boring.

You see exciting places. You meet new (sometimes wild) people all the time. There’s a lot of drama and a lot of laughs at hotels and hostels.

And it all happens in more than one language!

No matter where in the world you’re traveling or working, chances are you have to speak English with many people you encounter. Speaking clear, confident English won’t just help you with day-to-day communication—it can also give you a better experience as a traveler, or help your career go further if you’re a hospitality professional.

I know, it’s hard finding time to learn a new language. But don’t worry, because today we’re going to look at six easy exercises to improve your English for tourism skills with just a little bit of work every day.

Tourism English Teaching

1. Read the “English for International Tourism” Textbooks

No matter how you try to learn English, you’re going to have to put in serious time and work before you can master the language. But the good news about learning English for tourism is that you’re able to focus primarily on the parts of English that you need to know, not the irrelevant details like how to hold a conversation on international politics or nuclear energy!

For this reason, you’ll want to get a good English textbook specifically designed for the language of tourism. One of the more popular textbooks is “English for International Tourism.”

It comes available in low-intermediate, intermediate and high-intermediate levels. So you’ll need to have some basic knowledge of English before you can get the most out of this textbook. As long as you’ve got those foundations (pronunciation, reading and simple grammar), this series is perfect for learning how to communicate with coworkers and tourists who speak English as their first or second language.

Each chapter is filled with different tourism-related scenarios that you’re likely to encounter. The series is designed like a language course to steadily grow your skills. Try to find half an hour every day to read a chapter and complete the associated exercises.

2. Prepare for Real-life Conversations with FluentU

Like we said, textbooks are great—but they shouldn’t be your only study method. If you want to exercise real-world English that you’ll need while traveling or in hospitality, FluentU is a fun and effective tool.

FluentU provides authentic English videos, like movie clips, inspiring talks, news broadcasts and more, that have been transformed into language learning experiences. Each video comes with interactive captions—just click any unfamiliar word and you’ll instantly get a definition and native pronunciation. That means you’ll be learning to use new vocabulary just like a native speaker does.

You can get started with a FluentU free trial to find videos that are relevant to you. Once you’re logged in, just put “travel” or “tourism” in the search bar. There are lots of videos about hospitality careers, travel etiquette and even travel accessories.

Better yet, FluentU remembers what you’ve watched and suggests more videos based on that information, so you get a truly personalized learning experience.

Try FluentU on the website or get a little practice anytime, anywhere with the FluentU mobile app for iOS or for Android.

3. Follow English Speakers on Twitter

More specifically, follow English speakers who work in the travel industry. This will help you naturally absorb English tourism vocabulary, plus today’s big topics in the world of travel. Here are a few Twitter accounts you may want to follow:

  • @TravelEditor: Full of great travel advice and destination information. She also likes to tweet travel questions and talk with her followers.
  • @Just1WayTicket: Want some ideas of where to go next? Check out beautiful pictures and helpful information posted on this account.
  • @GettingStamped: Great profile for learning about popular tourist destinations, as well as what tourists like to do while traveling abroad.

And remember, if you really want to use Twitter to sharpen your English skills, you need to do more than just read tweets. Engage in discussions as well! Not only will that make using Twitter more fun, but it’ll also require you to learn and use new words during your chats back and forth with others.

4. Participate in Discussions on Travel Forums

Like Twitter, travel forums allow you to use your new tourism vocabulary with native speakers. Also, travelers often use forums to ask questions before or during a trip—so you can see and practice answering those same types of questions.

Books On Tourism

Need some help finding the right forum? Take a look at these:

  • TripAdvisor: One of the biggest names in international tourism. Here, you can talk with first and second-language English speakers about traveling, hotels, restaurants, transportation and anything else related to tourism.
  • Lonely Planet: The Lonely Planet forum is perfect for answering questions and asking a few of your own. You’ll probably get more conversation here than TripAdvisor, but the topics tend to be more focused on specific countries and cities. That’s not a bad thing, though—just find your desired location in the “Search Destination” menu and you’ll get highly relevant results.

Want more vocabulary and reading practice for your location? Check out Lonely Planet's travel guides. They’re created by experts so they’re both fun to read and full of reliable local tips.

English For International Tourism Pdf Free Download

  • /r/Travel: Reddit has always been a great place for English language learners to practice their written English with people all over the world. The travel sub (Reddit slang for “forum”) is a great place to talk about everything related to tourism.

And unlike the previous two forums, the discussions are a bit more casual and nonspecific. Think of it as more like chatting about tourism rather than answering specific questions.

5. Give Yourself a Little Homework Every Day

Nobody liked the homework assignments we were given in school, but they were great at helping us remember the things we learned. While taking a hands-on approach to tourism English is more fun, make sure to spend a few minutes every day on classroom-style exercises as well.

A great place to start is the tourism section of ESL Conversation Questions. You’ll find a variety of different tourism-related topics that you can discuss with your friends and coworkers, either in person or through a messenger app like WhatsApp.

The good thing about WhatsApp is that you’re able to create groups and share voice clips with as many as 256 people—not that you’d need that many people in one group!

If you’re a hospitality professional, you’ll want to check out Oxford University Press’ freeonline workbook series, English for Careers. There, you’ll see English for Tourism exercises divided up into three different skill levels, along with various other careers.

English For International Tourism Advanced Pdf

You’ll be able to complete worksheet activities, learn vocabulary words and listen to dialogues for free, just by visiting the website!

English For International Tourism Pdf Download

6. Complete Tourism English Courses on Memrise

Memrise is a language-learning app for iOS and Android devices. What separates Memrise from other language apps is that you can choose between general English lessons or you can focus on specific courses.

In this case, that would be Memrise lessons that focus on English for international tourism, like “Hot English Magazine Travel” or this series on travel, hotels and transport. Both lessons feature a number of English vocabulary words and phrases that anyone in tourism would need to know for their day-to-day activities.

Try spending as little as 30 minutes a day using Memrise to brush up on your tourism vocabulary—you’ll notice a difference!

If you’re trying to make sure you don’t lose the travel English skills you have, or you want to boost your proficiency level to get that job in international tourism you’ve always wanted, this guide will help you along the way!

English For International Tourism Teacher's Book Pdf

If you liked this post, something tells me that you'll love FluentU, the best way to learn English with real-world videos.