Application Exit Event

Active9 years, 6 months ago

This question already has an answer here:

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  • Capture console exit C# 10 answers

Apr 27, 2012  I was wondering how to log a process/application start/exit in event viewer? I know services are logged but applications are not. I need to run a program (or a batch file) after another program/process has been closed. I have so far concluded that you should log the process in event viewer. Since you are using Windows 7 you could consider using a. I = i + 1 listBox1.Items.Add(i) End While ' The user wants to exit the application. Close everything down. Application.Exit End Sub Remarks. The Exit method stops all running message loops on all threads and closes all windows of the application. This method does not necessarily force the application to exit.

Application.application Exit Event

Oct 02, 2009  We know Word Object model provides an event handler called ApplicationQuit, which will be triggered when the application quits, but we don’t have any such events for Excel (even for PowerPoint and some other Office applications). In order to workaround this issue, first thing that will come in our mind is to use an Office. The following code example displays two forms and exits the application when both forms are closed. When the application starts and exits, the position of each form is remembered. This example demonstrates using the ApplicationExit event to know when the form positions should be persisted to the file, and when the FileStream should be closed. System.Windows.Forms.Application.ExitThread( ) When we are running a winform application & need to exit or close SUB APPLICATION or CURRENT THREAD then we should use 'System.Windows.Forms.Application.ExitThread( )'.Before you exit your application, you really need to have all your other thread exited, unless they are background threads or the threads obtained via the. C# Execute code before application exits for background app 1 Where do I put a piece of code that I want to run right before a multi-form Windows form app exits?

I have a little console C# program like

Now I want to do something after main() exit. I tried to write a deconstructor for Class Program, but it never get hit.


Does anybody know how to do it.

Thanks a lot

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marked as duplicate by nawfal, JMK, Paul Beusterien, LarsTech, woolstarJan 10 '14 at 23:59

This question has been asked before and already has an answer. If those answers do not fully address your question, please ask a new question.

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The following example uses Closing to test if the text in a TextBox has changed. If it has, the user is asked whether to save the changes to a file.


Wpf Application Exit Event Handler


The Closing event is obsolete starting with the .NET Framework 2.0; use the FormClosing event instead.

The Closing event occurs as the form is being closed. When a form is closed, all resources created within the object are released and the form is disposed. If you cancel this event, the form remains opened. To cancel the closure of a form, set the Cancel property of the CancelEventArgs passed to your event handler to true.

When a form is displayed as a modal dialog box, clicking the Close button (the button with an X at the upper-right corner of the form) causes the form to be hidden and the DialogResult property to be set to DialogResult.Cancel. You can override the value assigned to the DialogResult property when the user clicks the Close button by setting the DialogResult property in an event handler for the Closing event of the form.


Qt Application Exit Event

When the Close method is called on a Form displayed as a modeless window, you cannot call the Show method to make the form visible, because the form's resources have already been released. To hide a form and then make it visible, use the Control.Hide method.


The Form.Closed and Form.Closing events are not raised when the Application.Exit method is called to exit your application. If you have validation code in either of these events that must be executed, you should call the Form.Close method for each open form individually before calling the Exit method.

If the form is an MDI parent form, the Closing events of all MDI child forms are raised before the MDI parent form's Closing event is raised. In addition, the Closed events of all MDI child forms are raised before the Closed event of the MDI parent form is raised. Canceling the Closing event of an MDI child form does not prevent the Closing event of the MDI parent form from being raised. However, canceling the event will set to true the Cancel property of the CancelEventArgs that is passed as a parameter to the parent form. To force all MDI parent and child forms to close, set the Cancel property to false in the MDI parent form.

For more information about handling events, see Handling and Raising Events.

Applies to

Console Application Exit Event

See also

C# Application Exit Code

  • IsMdiContainerIsMdiContainerIsMdiContainerIsMdiContainer
  • OnClosing(CancelEventArgs)OnClosing(CancelEventArgs)OnClosing(CancelEventArgs)OnClosing(CancelEventArgs)